Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today I was hung upside-down and shook for my lunch money. by my greatest ally here. I love this country.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So apparently someone thought it was a good idea to put motion sensors on the lights in the bathrooms of the flat. Funny story, I don't even reach 4'10" so I have to do a big over-the-head wave to the light every time I walk into the bathroom. Awesome. Haha only me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Okay, so I haven't written in a while I guess...
I went to England for mid-semester break, which was amazing. It was nice be somewhere different, yet comfortable. I've been out shopping the last few days... no grand discoveries. Got some tights though for the cooler weather, which is hitting hard now. We've had frost the last two mornings. Trying to get my ass in gear to go to the gym every morning... I'm not doing so grand, but at least going 4 times a week. The weight machines are crap though. Anyway, I think I'm going to head back to Edinburgh this weekend, just to do some shopping/head into New Edinburgh, since I only visited Old last time.
Anyway, things are starting to pick up work load-wise, I have two papers and two tests to go... hopefully I find out when my final is so i can figure out when I'll be home in December. Excited to be home for the break, but also REALLY looking forward to next semester. It's going to be awesome. Think I might go on a short trip between end of classes and when finals start if I can hack it.... Only time will tell I guess, again, I need to know when the final is. Screw.
Found a new grocery market... okay Woodruff did, but it's pretty grand, if not a little out of the way. How unhealthy is pate? Because I could eat tons of the stuff, just on toast. Aw man, I gotta get over to France asap. That's really the only country I feel I really really need to see. Otherwise, I'm perfectly happy in the UK. It's great, the people are different depending on where you are, and there is so much to see. I'm even enjoying the history. Yeah, you heard right.
Check my facebook for pictures! I'm getting a few good ones...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

So thus far I have been to Edinburgh and Glasgow. But come Saturday, I bring my adventure to England! I am so very excited for a break from school, and to see some familiar faces from home, since I'm staying with some great family friends, Chris and Bob. I went out and bought myself a little duffel bag, which is super cute! So now I am feeling quite prepared, and ready to get out of Stirling for a short while. The traveling alone thing should be interesting, though I realize I already did that to get over here... I don't know, it will be an adventure!
So besides all this, Scotland is great. People are great, I joined art club, so I have a small commitment to keep every Tuesday and Thursday, which is good for me. I have a paper that I hope to finish before I leave on Saturday, but right now I'm deciding not to sweat it. Focusing on writer's block just makes it worse I'm sure. Anywho, I've been very productive so far today, and it's only 11.30! On the downside, I've spent about 30 pounds.... but I do need to eat and clean my clothes, and pay bus fair. Oh and I needed that bag... Yeah I'm gonna lay off the spending a bit, just till I get to England... people, prepare yourself for postcards.
Anyway, I'm sensing a good day, so I'm going to go enjoy it! The sun is out!

Friday, October 9, 2009


So this is my class schedule for each week. I'm aware of the fact that no one but my mother cares, but now she doesnt have to sift through all her files to find out where i am!
Monday: 10-11 media one
2-3 media one
Tuesday: 1-2 cognition
2-3 media one (yep, gotta love tuesday)
Wednesday: 9-10 cognition
11-12 global cinema
Thursday: 4-6 cognition
Friday: 11-12 global cinema

there you have it. in my free time now, i plan my weekends. this weekend i'm off to Edinburgh. gonna see the castle and stuff, keep your eyes peeled for lots of pictures! well that's saturday anyway, sunday i think i'll just do the homework that i'm ignoring now by writing this. eh, it's not like i have much anyway. though i do need to get this paper down for one of my classes before i head off on mid-semester break. party on down. word. oh and tuesday i am going out for my first ever club experience for my flatmate louise's birthday. hip hip hooray. yeah i'm gonna be totally beat into the ground for my 9am class the next morning. but what can i say? i'm a crazy college student. we don't sleep.
ok, more fun news to come!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The End of Month

so tomorrow is the last day of september! (for those of you who don't have that month poem memorized by now!) things are going swell here is the lovely UK, more specifically, Scotland. All my flatmates are fantastic and being very patient with my adjusting schedule. I've gotten a good hold on my anxiety, and whilst freaking out, even got some planning for senior year out of the way! haha! I just wanted to send a little thank you to everyone who has written me a letter or sent me a card, getting mail brightens my day exponentially!
Anyway, I plan to do some exploring soon, outside the campus. Friday I'm gonna go into Stirling, see what there is to see, hopefully get some nice pictures out of it as well.... we'll see! I went on a walk through the woods this past weekend, and those photos should be up on the facebook shortly. I was going to wait a little while, but what the heck?
Thanks everyone at home for being so swell and supportive while I'm still adjusting here.
Classes are great, I have basically no work to do... ever, so I spend a lot of time reading and drawing, and hopefully going to the gym, because there are just too many things here that involve pie crust. For some reason I didn't listen when people told me it was going to be hard to eat healthy while I was over here. no kidding! mmm pies....
oh and haggis is awesome by the way. Just fantastic. The Scots know how to eat. fact.
Anyway, not much exciting tales yet, but I swear those are to come!
until next time!

Friday, September 18, 2009

almost a whole week gone!

Surprisingly enough, looking back, time is moving rather quickly. I'm done with my first week of classes, and apart from a slight hiccup in online banking, i'm pretty much settled in here. I took some pictures, and they're on my facebook.
The work load is not so bad so far, and I only have one final to dread, the rest of my tests and papers are happening during the actual semester, which ends some time around the end of november.
The people here are all just fantastic. everyone is very friendly and helpful, despite my constant questions and problems, they all put up with me. My flatmates are all very nice, and accept my odd sleeping schedule. well they don't say anything about it anyway. I've pretty much settled into a routine, which is a good thing for me. the weather has been swell, and apparently very nice for the area this time of the year. All classes take place in one of two buildings, but they are very confusing! Cottrell is separated into three main sections, A,B, and Y. then there are bridges connecting the separate parts of the building, bridges V, W, X, Y and Z. nuts. Pathfoot makes slightly more sense, there is one main hallway, and then corridors A,B,C,D etc branch off from the main bit. each letter is a different department.
Then there's the student center, but that makes slightly more sense.
There are handicap buttons for most doors in the main buildings, and everyone uses them. I rarely see someone opening a door themselves if there is an easier way to get through. it's pretty funny. i feel silly whenever i use them. but everyone else is doing it....
so this first weekend i think i'm just going to hang back, but I plan to do traveling and what not, soon as i can figure out just how much money i have for that... till then town will do just fine!
or campus... ok so ive holed myself up a little bit. baby steps!